Learning from learning spaces

Learning from learning spaces

Alessandro De Savi

prof. Fernanda De Maio 

Scuola di dottorato in Architettura, Città e Desgin
Curriculum internazionale Villard de Honnecourt – 35° ciclo 

Since school has been originally conceived as a machine-à-instruire, an institutionalized functional system designed to reach the maximum efficiency of the knowledge-transmission program, the shift to new paradigms in learning theories that encourage the conceptualization of a complex learning environment, takes to the necessity of re-evaluating the relationship between space and use. Furthermore, the ostensible dissolution of specificity in learning spaces is to be considered as one of the most significant examples in the general tendency that characterizes the contemporary condition of architecture. The research questions the identity of school spaces investigating the assumption that school operates a precise role of mediator between the domestic sphere of the house and that of urban sociality of the city: a particular threshold condition that provides possibilities for an appropriation of space promoting programmatic experimentation and embracing disorder and accidental events

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